
Creating Webinars that Convert – 7 Key Lessons From Past Projects

My first Webinar (2009) resulted in about $1,500 in sales from 30 attendees…. …and I was very disappointed with that result. The main reason…. I had no frame of reference, no baseline or past performance to compare (just unrealistic expectations). However, I did have some help from a mentor who reviewed the results with me […]

Three Ways to Double Your Leads In 48 Hours or Less (Part 1 of 3)

First, some important notes on lead generation…. NO TRAFFIC = NO LEADS You probably know this but it is worth repeating. However, I won’t tell you to double your traffic to double your leads…. even though that could work. Traffic generation is not the central topic for today. The first and most important thing to […]

Are You Offering Paid Advertising Services ?

Put your money where your mouth is… With the growth of Facebook and Linkedin, two alternate advertising platforms have emerged for local businesses. And if your not helping your clients leverage these platforms then you are leaving a huge hole in your marketing service. Here is the breakdown: – Facebook Advertising: If the business is […]