Lead Generation Cheat Sheet

What Other People Are Saying About Robert:

Marketing consultant, speaker, developer and trusted advisor to
companies throughout the United States, Canada, Australia and the
United Kingdom.

Robert is a brilliant marketer with unmatched salesmanship which he combines with a highly technical skill-set. It is rare to work with someone who can be selling from the stage one minute, then split-testing sales funnels the next. A truly unique and talented marketing professional.

Jack Mize - JackMize.com

I met Robert at a marketing conference in 2009 and at the time he was just getting started. Since then he and I have collaborated on various projects together. He is hard working, smart and really good at what he does. Every time I work with Robert, he makes me and my company money.

Jon Shugart - Keywordrockstar.com

Robert Stanley has been a massive help and impacted my business significantly over the years. Robert has a wealth of experience in online marketing and specifically in Facebook advertising, conversion tracking, funnels and split testing. Every time I've had a question or an issue, I've been on the phone to Robert and he's the first person to come in with the real strategies, ideas and [..] Read More

Paul Clifford - Disruptware

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