Autoresponder Marketing Mistake Most People Are Making Now


Discovered this by accident about 6 months ago. I am subscribed to my own lists, so when I send emails I always get a copy. But suddenly I had a problem…

My Email Broadcasts Were All Marked As Spam.

And I wasn’t sure why at first. But then as I looked through my spam folder I noticed that other emails, from marketing compnaies I wanted to hear from, were also marked as spam. That made we wonder….

What Were The Similar Elements That Could Cause This?

In this case it was a link. So I tried sending a test email to myself with and without the link and noticed that without the url shortener, it worked fine. This created a bit of a problem for me, I didn’t want to send long URLs but it seemed obvious that this was a potential problem for any type of free url shortening service. But after talking to a few friends…

I found a solid solution.

There is a free wordpress plugin, you may have heard of, called Pretty Link. It is really simple and fast to setup.

Download the Free Version of >> Pretty Link <<

Ok, once you have this installed, you basically have your own URl shortener. If you want to make it SUPER short then go buy a cheap domain like “” or some other creative domain, install wordpress and the prettylink program. Personally, I just tend to…

Install It On All My Blogs.

Which allows me to track and shorten content for each related blog topic. I happen to have the pro version with an unlimited sites installation license. Why? well one of my favorite features of the pro version is the ability to automatically find and replace keywords with pretty links. For example, on this post…

You Probably Noticed That “Pretty Link” Is Well…. a Link!

That is one of the cool features of the pro version. There are some other ones like Auto-Tweet and Shorten of all blog posts. If you look at my Twitter account, every time I post to my blog it also sends out a tweet with a shorter url. That is a really cool feature!

Click to Enlarge

Ok, I know… someone reading this is going to get their panties in a bunch cause I am going on and on about this tool. So… in all fairness lets mention one other shortening service.

Alternatively, Is A Good Choice For Shortening…

Except that can see WHAT your shortening and WHERE it is going. I am guessing they will use that information to find out “What your up to”. If your paranoid that might not be what you want. A fair number of marketers don’t trust 100%.

But If Your Not Paranoid…

Then is a great choice. You will notice that in the list of “Blocked Shorteners”, as provided by Aweber, that is whitelisted. I am guessing that it will remain a safe choice and remain whitelisted but this most likely means that they will start screening links.

And They Will HAVE To Screen Them..

Otherwise could end up being blacklisted by other email services. Of course bing / microsoft might do that just out of spite. Ha! Anyway I hope you found this information useful. Please leave a comment! And let me know…

What is Your Shortener Of Choice?

P.S. – As Usual, Best Comment Gets A Street Fighter T-Shirt!

P.P.S. – More About Pay-Per-Click for Local Marketing Next Week

P.P.P.S. – If you want to read more about this from my inspired source, go check out the Aweber blog post here

9 thoughts on “Autoresponder Marketing Mistake Most People Are Making Now

  1. Doug Ison

    @rstanley Ok I think I got it. You create the link with pretty link and then paste that into your say Aweber Emails. I was missing that step of using WordPress to just create the link or am I still missing it?

  2. Doug Ison

    My question is I see how this works for WordPress blogs, but the original problem was in email blast, since an email blast is not a WordPress what’s the connection. Sorry for being clueless on this, but there is a gap here, I think?

    1. rstanley

      @doug, The connection is the url that is presented in the email. is automatically filtered as spam. If you create your own using the prettylink then you avoid this issue entirely and can track your own liinks.

  3. Linda

    Hi Robert!

    To me, this brings up a question. WHY are url shorteners being blacklisted? Is is because too many people are using url shorteners to send out links to spammy or junk content?

    Is it because they’re heavily used by amateur and/or aggressive IMers that are sending out a lot of junk and the emails containing shorteners are also being marked as spam. Are the url shorteners guilty by association because of some of the people using them?

    If url shorteners are being blacklisted, there must be some specific type of behavior that’s causing the blacklisting.

    If people don’t look at what caused urls like to BE blacklisted in the first place, the same result is inevitable with their own domains.

    And wouldn’t it just suck to register your own “short” url and end up getting that blacklisted? lol.

    It does make me wonder if there’s any association between url shorteners and people who have low open rates, high unsubscribe rates, high rate of spam complaints, etc.

    Interesting topic – thanks for posting the Aweber list. 🙂

  4. Lonnie

    Thank you for sharing this information. Since I use Bitly to shorten all of my URLs, this was something that I needed to hear. I know there are other URL shorteners out there to use, but how do you find out which ones are black-listed?

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